Monday, June 02, 2008


I've just got back from running. Most of the time I just jog, but sometimes I run. I'm happy and satisfied every time I complete a jog or a run.

Running (or jogging) puts me at my physical limit. I know that every time I run, I'm doing my body a favour. I'm letting my heart pump blood to my extremities. I'm increasing my lung capacity. I'm clearing my head. I'm giving myself the chance to sweat. I'm working myself out.

8 weeks ago, my time for 2.4K was 12.5 min. Last week, I did it in 11 min 50 s, just 10 s under the RBAF limit (feel free to correct me). I feel I've improved over the weeks, although I know I can go a lot further.

I jog about 2-3 times a week now, and run about once a week. Most often I do about 3K, but sometimes I do 4K although I most often jog 4K, not run it.

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