On Tuesday, during our afternoon Physics class, our tutor Mr. Nyiau asked us whether he had told us "the bird story". So some of us were like, "no, not yet" but some others were like "what bird?". Ha-ha. So he said, "bird with feathers" - just to clear things. So when he had confirmed he had not yet told us the story, he began to tell it:
(More or less lah ah this one..in passive form.)
There were 2 bright fellas who had the opportunity to travel to Japan. So they went to Japan with the intention of seeing a wise old man to test him.
So off they went, first by plane, then by bullet train, and then by taxi. Then they had to travel by foot through the forest and up the mountain where the old man lived.
So when they reached the old man's place, they decided between them as to how they would test the old man.
One fella said to the other "we should catch a bird". The other agreed and so they caught a bird. They then called out for the old man.
"Old man, old man, well you are the most intelligent person on the face of this earth. We have but a simple question for you." One of the fellas was holding by the neck the bird they had just caught. They asked the old man, "Is this bird dead or alive?" The old man called back out:
"Young man, young man, I know what you two are up to. If I say that the bird is alive, you'll just twist its neck and it'll be dead. But if I say that it's dead, then you'll just let it go and it'll fly away."
The 2 fellas got caught by the old man's foresight. The old man continued,
"So you see, the decision is in your hands. It's not for me to decide. You decide."
Philosophy.. Oh and I have got a new phone. It actually used to be my father's phone (not dad). So now, after only exactly 2 months, he's got guess what? Another brand new one! A Nokia smth smth. So naturally (ehem) his 'old' one falls to me. It's a Motorola Q9h, PDA sorta thing. QWERTY keypad. Lama sudah keluar lah, but anyway:

So during PS this morning we were telling jokes. There was Christopher, Vivek, Zaim and myself. Not the usual crowd eh but anyways. Okay this is starting to get lame. But what am I afraid of? Uh lemme go to sleep.
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