Thursday, November 18, 2004


i've got a headache but it's different from all the other headaches i've experienced before... it's not really that painful, but i can't concentrate... dehydration i think... and long hours in front of the screen... i went through a few cans of joy orange and some bandung but i haven't had a glass of plain water all day... currently listening to amy mastura's "akan datang", to me it's so wow... just put up a pic for my profile, it's a guitar, a stratocaster.. wish i had one.. anyways i'm running out of --- ... boh i dunno how to survive ni... well terpaksa lah... krg mlm lagi kan main badil... target rumah --- di sebalah atu.. lol last nite they were out i guess when we bombarded the shack.. i wanted them to be inside, sleeping soundly haha then tekajut muahaha... "the chemistry" by butterfingers is now on...

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